15 Days Juicing

by Ang


I have been on a juicing fast for 15 days now!! It has been one of the hardest things I've done so I feel great about it. I did it to detox and for weight loss. I am pretty healthy and eat very well I just wanted to push a little further.

I don't have a scale so I am not sure if I have lost weight. My clothes only feel a tiny bit looser and to be frank I don't see much weight loss occurring. I occasionally have added a green salad or a veggie soup, I also do the occasional smoothie.

Could you tell me what I might be doing wrong or how I can improve my juicing fast to accomplish weight loss.

I had planned on doing it for 30 days.

With gratitude,


A: Hi Ang! That is amazing! I'm so happy for you! 15 days is quite an accomplishment that many people cannot get to, so pat yourself on the back!

I'd be more concerned with how your clothes are fitting than how much weight is lost as that is the real indicator of fat loss. Depending on your circumstance (if you're exercising, too) you could be gaining muscle instead of fat and your body could be balancing out. Even if your clothes are fitting a little bit looser, that is good news.

Weight loss can be a natural side effect of juice fasting but the true reason for fasting is cleansing. When your body gets rid of the trash, fat often sweeps out too. Sounds like you're doing nothing wrong. Sometimes it takes weeks for some and days for others, depending on the person.

To improve weight loss try the following:

  • Make sure you include lots of vegetable (which include some green) juices instead of mostly fruit juices. Have your fruit juices for breakfast and veggie for the rest of the day.

  • Try juicing lots of celery, as it's a natural diuretic and will release any excess water weight (so does dandelion tea or celery seed tincture). I once couldn't figure out why I was so "puffy" and when I juiced celery and took some celery seed extract my whole body just changed. I was full of water and it helped to balance out the water in my body. It just needed a little bit of help from nature.

  • Try taking at least a 30 minute walk every day to get your lymphatic’s moving, aiding in cleansing (and to burn a few calories). If you don't like walks, try gentle stretching or yoga. Getting your body moving is important.

  • Green smoothies work better for others then juice for fasting and weight loss. Try having more green smoothies during the day. Here is are green smoothie recipes.

  • Try adding psyllium husk powder to one of your juices during the day. It will help sweep away any gunk left inside your intestines to help your body flow properly. If your intestines and bowels are clogged then it's harder for your body to eliminate fat.

  • Make sure you are drinking water. Even though a juice fast gives your body a good amount of water, many times we need more. Be sure to add clean, filtered water to your daily routine.

  • Don't forget that juice has calories, too. So if you already eat very well, keep in mind you might be ingesting the same amount of calories. Weight loss is a formula of calories taken in minus calories expended. Just something to keep in mind.

  • I find that one session of accupunture or a massage will help my body get to the next level by encouraging proper flow and balance within my body. So, pamper yourself! :)

Our bodies are all different and react differently to fasts, for various reasons. Depending on your health history and what've your been exposed to (medications, pollutions, etc) your body could have a lot to clean out. All of us do! I hope that these suggestions will help push your body to balance out and lose more.

I wish you so much luck and please visit again to share with us your total accomplishments, as it encourages others. I'm sure that your skin is glowing!

All the best!


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Oct 19, 2011
Working out
by: Tania

I wanted to know if its safe to work out while your doing this plan? Also with this fasting your only drinking 2-4 cups a day and nothing else? I am so excited to try it I bought all the stuff I am starting out with one cup a day but will gradually move up there. Please let me know your input.

Thank You


Jul 24, 2011
Juice Fast
by: Gordo

Dear Ang.
I have learned that your body knows best. Now that you are taking care of it the best you can with the juicing, it will do what it must to cleanse, and rebuild. You may think that loosing weight is the most important, but the body has to deal with other issues first. I would bet that you are feeling great in respect to things you did not even consider. Little aches and pains go away, ones you may have lived with for years...
Keep up the good work.

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