The Top 5 Benefits of Green Juice

What are the top 5 benefits of green juice?  When I decided to highlight the top 5 benefits of green juice, it was a tough choice. How do you cherry-pick between so many amazing benefits that range from skin to energy to health and more? It was time to get ruthless.

So, now in no particular order of wonderfulness, I’m going to outline the top 5 benefits of juicing that I’ve found in my life, and hope it inspires you to add a little more green juicing in yours.

benefits of green juice

1.  More nutrients, more variety, less time

If over 95% of the vitamins, minerals and enzymes we need are found in raw fruits and vegetables, doesn’t it make sense to eat more fruit and vegetables? The problem is that to get all those healthy vitamins and minerals, we’d have to eat masses of fruit and vegetables, probably more than most of us could handle.

And with soil depletion and pesticides and the ravages of modern agriculture, our food is just not as nutritious as it once was. We need to eat more to fill our quota of minerals and vitamins, and we have less time than ever to do so. Juicing helps us cover all our nutritional bases without having to take a bunch of vitamins as supplements because we simply don’t have time to make and source optimal food.

When you juice, concentrated vitamins, minerals and enzymes rapidly enter your bloodstream, which are quickly absorbed by your body – providing instant energy and giving your digestive system a much needed rest. When juicing, you can easily meet your recommended daily intake of vegetables every day...with just a glass or two of juice, made with minimal effort and cleaning.

2.  Improved digestion

Green juices are easy to digest. Because they’re already liquid, your body no longer needs to work hard to break down the food in order to extract the nutrients. When you juice, all the essential nutrients in your fruits and vegetables become readily available for your body to absorb and use.

For those of us who have ever suffered indigestion after a heavy meal, or even after a healthy serving of vegetables like cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, or leafy green veg such as kale, spinach, chard or parsley, you’ll agree that some foods are easier to digest than others. The reason for this, is that vegetable are high in both soluble and insoluble fiber. And large amounts of insoluble fiber can be bad for your gut. Juicing helps avoid this because you remove the fiber and cellulose, making it easier on your digestive system.

3.  Energy

Energy is definitely one of 5 benefits of green juice.  It takes a lot of energy to do everything you need to do in life, and there’s never enough. Fruit is a good source of energy, but because its high sugar content (which is quickly metabolized), energy comes in short bursts.  Greens help you balance the sugar content which keeps your energy stable for longer. Greens also help your body mineralize, and ensure optimal pH levels, which also boosts your energy. 

As I explained above, juicing fruits and vegetables makes them easily digestible, which means that the energy spent on digestion can be used for other activities. Green juicing allows me to have longer lasting energy, which means less sleep and more productivity!

4.  Health

There is a growing body of research into the healing properties of juicing. Not only will juicing help with weight loss, boost energy levels, strengthen bones and result in a glowing complexion, it may lead to reduced chances of heath disease, cancer and stroke.

Fresh, green juices also reduce inflammation in your body and according to Christine Lydon, MD, of Yale Medical School “inflammatory processes lie at the root of virtually every chronic disease process known to modern man – from obesity and diabetes to heart disease and cancer.”

Green juices contain chlorophyll (aka liquid sunshine) which increases red cell production and enhances your cell’s ability to carry oxygen. Should you live in a country where sunshine is in scarce supply, increasing greens in your diet could even help you obtain some of this stored sunshine. If Anne Wigmore, pioneer of wheat grass juice and raw, living foods, is to be believed: “consuming chlorophyll is like receiving a healthy blood transfusion.”

Green juices are high in magnesium and helps your body absorb calcium better. Green plants contain Vitamin C and A, which are also important for calcium absorption. Greens are naturally alkalizing, which helps regulate the pH balance in your body fight the damage caused by free radicals. A high alkaline diet supports cellular regeneration, improves mental sharpness and helps reduce disease – making you feel healthier than ever before.

5.  Beauty

Yep, this is number one for most, because who doesn’t want to look their best? In fact, all the benefits we’ve mentioned so far lead to beauty, because when your body is well-nourished and well-hydrated, packed full of vitamins, minerals and enzymes, it performs at its best. And you will quickly show the benefits.  

Green veggie juices can be the change that helps prevent aging and give you an increased zest for life – because you’re eating a wider variety of vegetables in larger quantities, which in turn will leave you better hydrated, more nourished, and feeling on top of the world.

A recent study by St Andrews University revealed the beneficial effects of fruit and vegetables in our daily diets; volunteers who increased their consumption of fresh produce found an improvement in their skin tone which ‘glowed.’ And it’s not just the appearance of our skin that juicing can improve; the high vitamin, antioxidant and mineral content of green juices helps with everything from hair loss and acne, to weight gain and aging.

It’s the added hydration and power-packed dose of nutrients that bring about your luminous complexion.  Green juicing can also help you discover any potential allergies, by cutting out refined and processed products in favor of green juices you can pinpoint what’s causing any intolerances – such as dairy or gluten.

With green juicing you get greater health, better digestion, more time and energy, and you look slimmer, with better hair, skin and nails, and increased mental focus. I’d say that’s worth a glass or two. Get the 5 benefits of green juice by starting out with one of our green juice recipes.

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Juicing guide > Green juicing > Top 5 benefits of green juice

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