5th Day Juicing Fast

by Barbara

Q: I am 79 years old. I am about 35 lbs overweight and have good health except for my sinuses are clogged and draining all the time to the throat.

I am hoping it will go away and will keep doing this until it does. I have lost 4.8 lbs so far and don't feel hungry. I was using a blender at first and straining the pulp by hand. Not very tasty. Got my Breville juicer today and am so delighted and enjoying my first veg juice.

My problem is, in 21 days I am going to Canada to visit my sister, who thinks I will die without meat. I am planning to eat hot cereal and fruit for breakfast and juice for lunch and then will eat whatever she has but very little meat.

I hope I can at least do this until the 3 wk visit is over and can come home and juice again. Any suggestions? Buying vegetables and fruit in Canada is very expensive and I can't do that like I do here.

A: Hi Barbara! I commend you for working to lose weight and juice!

First let me say that I have been a vegetarian for years, and it's a very healthy lifestyle. So no need to worry about not eating meat. There are millions of vegetarians across the planet that lead very healthy lives. Animal products contain cholesterol and very little fiber. I personally feel that there are many healthier options aside for meat for our diets.

If it's easier to use a blender, you don't have to strain it like you mentioned. Why not just have smoothies instead? Especially if you are traveling, this might be the easiest, cheapest way for you to continue on in your diet.

Blend mostly fruits and greens for the most nutritional smoothie. Because you mentioned that produce is more expensive in Cananda, juicing takes a lot of produce, smoothies will generally take less produce.

Try including brussel sprouts, ginger and radishes in your daily juices to aid with your sinuses.

I wish you all the best!

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