Fabulous fruit juice recipes.  Just like candy.

fruit juice recipes

Who doesn't love fruit juice recipes?  It's by far the most popular type of juice.  

It is recommended that fruit juice be kept to a minimum of 1 glass a day due to sugar content.

Don't let this hold you back though, they are full of goodness just like vegetables, and tend to have a higher dose of those all important keep-me-young antioxidants.

Most of these recipes have veggies mixed in...but it's mostly fruit. I believe in the simpler the fruit juice recipe, the better. It seems like the trend lately is leaning towards complicating the already natural beautiful tastes in food!

I am not an exact-recipe-girl. If you need more fruit juice, add more fruit to your recipe. If you need less, modify the recipe accordingly.

Wondering what you could add to your fruit juice recipes to make it even more good for you? Try adding these natural additives to supercharge your juice

Berry Juice

2 cups strawberries
2 cups blueberries
1½ cups raspberries
1 apple

Core the apple. Juice the strawberries, blueberries, apple and raspberries. Serve. 
Berries are a little mushy to juice and don't have a high juice yield, but they do taste fantastic.

Berry Apple Combo

1/3 cup of strawberries
1 cup of blueberries
1 apple

Core the apple. Juice the strawberries, blueberries and apple. Serve. Remember, anything with berries are loaded with anti-aging antioxidants. 

Kiwi Pear Juice

2 kiwis 
3 pears

1 apple

Peel the kiwis, if you'd like. Core the pear and apple. Juice together and serve. 

This juice is pretty sweet, but really great for dessert. I also love the earthy green color it turns out to be. 

Cran Apple Juice

3/4 cup cranberries
3 carrots
2 apples

Core the apples. Juice the carrots, apples and cranberries. Drink immediately. 
An apple a day keeps the doctor away? Hmm...possibly some truth to this :) Cranberry sure keeps any doctors away from your bladder (and liver)! This is one of my favorite fruit juice recipes. 

Apple Cucumber Juice

5 Apples
1/2 Cucumber

Core the apples. Juice the apples and cucumber as usual. Serve. 
Especially cooling for a hot day! Not too much cucumber, or it tastes a little strong. I like this if I'm retaining water.

Pineapple Cranberry Juice

1/2 pineapple
1/2 cup of cranberries
1 apple

Core the apple and pineapple. Remove the rind from the pineapple. Juice the cranberries, pineapple and apple. Serve. Sort of tangy-sweet. 

Apple Watermelon

2 apples
3 slices of watermelon

Core the apples. Remove the rind from the watermelon. Juice together and serve. 
I have a secret love affair with watermelon. Each year I look forward to the summer months for it to be in season. It has a watery-sweet-light taste that is so delicious to my taste buds. Try it out as a single fruit juice, too. 

Strawberry Grape Orange Juice

1 cup of strawberries
1 cup of grapes (red)
1 orange

Peel the orange. Juice the strawberries, grapes and orange together. Serve. 

Melon Carrot OJ Juice

Half a melon
1 carrot
4 oranges

Peel the oranges, and remove the rind from the melon. Juice the carrots, melon and oranges together. Drink immediately. 
You'd be surprised how great this tastes! The melon combines nicely with the vitamin A&C packed OJ and carrot juices. 

Peachy Carrot Juice

2 peaches 
2 apricots
1/2 cup green grapes

Remove the pits from the apricots and peaches. Juice the peaches, apricots and green grapes. Serve. 
This is sort of a mushy fruit juice, but another one good for dessert or those that like sweet treats. Make this instead of reaching for that candy bar. 

Pomegranate Apple Juice

1 pomegranate (seeds seperated from pilth)
2 apples

Core the apples and seperate the pomegranate arils. Juice them together and serve. 
Talk about an antioxidant punch. There is nothing greater then fresh squeezed pomegranate juice. It really tastes so much better than bottled. 

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