Triturating Twin Gear Juicers: review and compare popular models

How does a twin gear triturating juicer work?

Are you wondering if you should look at this type of juicer? Learn more about them here.

This juicers action is slightly different from the shredding and cutting maneuvers of the single gear juicers.

Triturating twin gear juicers are mainly for those who really want a top of the line versatile juicer. They are top-quality juice machines that provide quality fresh fruit and vegetable juice even under hard and frequent use.

Twin gear juice extractors operate at much lower speed (80-110 RPM) than centrifugal juicers or even single gear-masticating juicers ensuring that less air gets trapped into the juice.

This slows down the oxidation of nutrients to a minimum level.

This slow juicing process increases the storage life of the juice without it loosing its health benefits and freshness.

The benefit of a low RPM that less heat is generated protecting the nutrients from destruction due to overheating.

Juice made with a twin-gear juicing machine can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 48-72 hours staying fresh and loosing only a minimum of its vitamin and other nutrients content.

Due to the high-quality of materials used and the added technical features, twin-gear juice extractors are more expensive than centrifugal type machines or single gear models, but they also have the most benefits and advantages regarding nutritional value of the juice made with these appliances.

Whats the upside of a twin gear triturating juicer?

  • Versatile juicers: able to juice all types of produce including fibrous vegetables (celery, ginger), wheatgrass, barley grass, alfalfa sprouts, and other leafy greens, apples and other fruits with ease.
  • Grass type greens do especially well due to the high pressure of the interlocking gears.
  • They produce a higher juice yield and drier pulp.
  • Twin gear juicer machines can be turned into a pasta, bread stick, or rice cookie maker, homogenizer, grinder, or mincer.
  • They have a fairly silent operation due to the low speed of the triturating process.

Whats the downside to a twin gear triturating juicer?

  • They are not the best at juicing citrus fruits
  • They have a slower operation then other types of juicers. It takes more time to juice the same amount of produce with a twin-gear machine than with a centrifugal unit. The auger operates at slower rate and the produce is usually needed to be cut into smaller pieces due to the narrower feeding chute.
  • Cleaning is a bit troublesome. The many parts (the two augers, the screen, attachments) make washing up a twin-gear style juicer more challenging.

The major weaknesses of triturating juice machines are connected to their strengths.

If you know that you are serious about juicing, want the best juice possible, and desire the versatility of the other functions it brings to the table, this is a good option.

A less expensive centrifugal or single gear model is a better option for those who don't know whether they'll do it regularly or only occasionally.

It’s also great (and partially essential) for those transitioning to a raw or whole foods lifestyle.

The versatility of the machine allows you to do much more at home from pure ingredients instead of relying on the market.

It truly is the highest recommended for quality, use and value.

Average price range: $350 - $990

Check out my review of my favorite of the twin gear juicers, The Green Star Juicer, if you think you are interested in this type of juicer.

Other types of juicers

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