Adding Protein Powder to Juice

by Laverne
(Henderson, NV)

Q: Will I be able to add protein powder to my juice? Doctor wants me to add more protein because of my medical problems. -J

A: Hi J! Yes, you can add protein powder to your juice. There are many people that do this. I do not happen to think that this tastes very good, but some people don't mind it. You'll have to experiment with different juices and different proteins to see what tastes the best for you.

If you really need more protein, you may want to consider juicing/smoothie-ing more greens. Many greens (like spinach and romaine lettuce) have more protein then beef. If you look at them both side by side, 100 calories of beef has 10 grams of protein. 100 calories of spinach has 12 grams. The only issue here is that spinach is low cal, so you'd have to consume a good amount of it.

Try some of these Green Juice Recipes for more protein then your typical juice.

Protein powder tastes much better in green smoothies then juices. You can really protein pack your smoothies by making them mostly green and then adding powder if you'd like.

Here's a link to Green Smoothie Recipes.

Here are some good options for you to try:

Garden of Life Garden of Life Raw Organic Protein, 622 Grams

Ruth's Organic Hemp Sprouted Flax & Maca, Raw Protein Power, 16-Ounce Canister

Cheers to your protein packed juices!

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