Detoxifying Juices Book for Smoothies

by Denise

Q: I purchased your Detox book a few minutes ago and would like to know if all the recipes in the book can be used as smoothies other than juicing. I want to start slow and I think the green smoothies is the way for me to go. Will the recipes accomplish the same results as they would as juicing?

A: Hi Denise! So glad you got the book, you can use it for years to come...

While these recipes are intended for juicing you could, yes, make smoothies from them with a few tweaks. It's the produce that's important when cleansing so they will definitely still help your body to detoxify. No worries there. You essentially would be doing a different type of cleanse.

To transform these juice recipes into smoothies you probably will need less produce. Typically you need more produce for juicing because it's removing the pulp. When smoothie-ing, just chop the recipes in half and go from there. If you want a bigger smoothie add more produce. You'll need to "eyeball it" to make the smoothie to your liking.

Also, smoothies usually need some type of liquid to help make it a smooth consistency. If you have a good blender like the Vitamix, then it will be easier since you can use your tamper. Add just a tad bit of water or a juice (fresh apple would work well for most of the combinations) if you need help liquifying the recipe.

Don't forget to check out the "7 Day Juice Diet" plan that came with the book where you'll find some smoothie recipes you can use.

All the best!

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Juicing and Body by VI
by: Anonymous

Beginner juicer and have also just started using Body by Vi x2 per day, brkfst/lunch. This morning I used 2 scoops of body by vi protein powder, ice and to it added what I had juiced: 1 GS apple, 1 med carrot, 1 handful spinach, 2 stalks of celery and half a banana....tasted really good. This is the whole reason I started juicing.

Body by Vi taste like cake batter (they say) whatever, it's too sweet for my taste to use so often so I thought juicing would add some flavor and tone down the sweetness and so far, it's exactly what I wanted.

Lunch was 2 scoops of body by Vi, 1/2 pkg of Starbucks Iced coffee, ice and 1 TBSP Nutella (for extra flavor) and 10 oz of skim milk.

Energy has been through the roof. Dinner was grilled chicken, couscous with spinach, and butternut squash. I've been up since 5am, work a full time job, cooked dinner, did dishes, load of laundry. I saw a juice for sleep that I may have to look into so I can go to bed here soon-LOL! I think I may really like this juicing thing. Thanks

by: Shawn

Q: Can you take a juicing recipe and add ice to it to make it thicker for a smoothie? Or would it dilute the vitamins and health benefits we are going for? Also could you add something like chia seeds to help thicken it? Or is it better to just use the fruit in the juicing recipe whole and chop it up? I am just starting out... thanks!

A: Hi Shawn, Yes, you can take a juicing or smoothie recipe and add ice to it. That would not change the vitamin content. It would just make it colder, thicker and/or more watery.

To answer your second question, yes, many people add extras like chia seeds and coconut water, for example, and that's no problem. It's your smoothie so be creative and experiment to see what you like and don't like.

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