Green smoothies recipes + tips:  the ultimate way to drink your greens (well, except for juicing them...of course :)

green smoothie recipes

Green smoothies are really fantastic for you, and rivals green juice.

The bonus: They aren’t as strong and you don’t have to worry about your body detoxifying as rapidly as with green juice.

Another bonus: If you make them the right way, you’ll have no idea that you included greens in your smoothie. It’s a bit harder to hide them in juice but you can always disguise them nicely in a smoothie.

What's a green smoothie?

It’s a blended drink that includes fruit and greens..usually leafy green vegetables. Sometimes liquid (like water, nut milk or juice) and sweeteners (fresh dates, agave syrup, honey or stevia) are added.  Many people also add protein powders, chia seeds and flax fiber.

What's the difference between a green smoothie and green juice?

Green juice has all of the fiber extracted out so you are left with only juice- no fiber. This makes it very easy for your body to assimilate since it doesn’t have to go through the same digestive process as food. Smoothies are blended greens. It contains all the fiber and juice.

How do you make a green smoothie?

You simply take the recipe and place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Simple, nutritious and quick. The best blender to use for a smoothie is a high powered blender like the Vitamix. It is so powerful that it will break apart the cells very effectively so that your body can assimilate the nutrients better.

Reasons why green smoothies are good for you.

Besides for the fact that you are getting more raw greens into your diet that you normally would, greens do amazing things for the body.

They are extremely cleansing. They contain chlorophyll which is nearly identical to the hemoglobin molecule in the blood. This means it will build a high red blood count in your blood. If you have a high blood count, it means more oxygen can be delivered to the tissues to help with cellular respiration. Greens (in juices and when eaten raw) help to control calcium in the blood, are high in potassium and have a bit of copper and zinc. It also feeds the good bacteria in your body, and cleanses the bowel.

That’s why it gives you great energy- and promotes healing.  If that isn’t enough for you to start a green smoothie or green juice regimen, I don’t know what is :)

I love having these for breakfast for 5 reasons.

1. What a great thing it is to start your day with a breakfast that's healthy and makes you feel great. It’s very good for your body to have something this light and good for you- and fruit is easily digestible. It's one of the best things you can have for breakfast.

2. Green smoothies are a low-cal breakfast that keeps you full for quite a while and really can help you manage your weight.

3. I don’t eat as many greens as I should. I’m only a huge fan of lettuce, broccoli and parsley. I could do without kale and spinach. If I have it in the beginning of the day I’m thrilled to I know I’m getting the greens in my diet, and don’t have to worry about eating them for dinner.

4. It gives me energy. There is something magical about greens….they boost your energy. I actually, miraculously, didn’t need my morning tea as soon as I started my green smoothies for breakfast. Green juice will do the same thing, but I wanted something heavier for breakfast so smoothies were my answer.

5. Green smoothies are RAW just like juice. They are uncooked and you are getting the most out of each fruit and veggie. I would never eat as much kale and spinach as I do now that I include them in smoothies. I’m obsessed with having at least one each day.

Making your own smoothies

I’ve provided some recipes below, but you can easily make your own if you know a few basic rules.

  • Use only fruit and greens. Don’t worry about food combining the fruit and greens together. It’s actually good for your body first thing in the morning and is what tastes the best.
  • Use frozen fruit for a thicker consistency.
  • Bananas add a wonderful milk like taste and smooth consistency to drinks. They cut out bitterness and hide the taste of greens well.
  • Add water or juice to make it thinner if your smoothie comes out too thick.
  • When you’re starting out, don’t use more then 1 cup or a few leaves of greens in the recipe. Make your recipe light on greens first, and add in more as you become more familiar with blended drinks.

Don’t be afraid to try new things in your recipes. Most times, it will turn out great or can be salvaged by adding more fruit or juice.

The Recipes

These green smoothie recipes generally make about 2 glasses. I save the leftovers for a snack or give the other glass to my husband. Tip: If you like it more watery, add water. If you like it really thick, omit most of the water.

Banana Apple

2 bananas
3 leaves of kale (any kind)
1 apple
2 cups of water

Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.  Pour in a glass & serve.

Banana Strawberry

1 banana
3 small leaves of kale or spinach
1 tbsp of honey
1 cup of frozen strawberries
¼ cup to ½ cup of water

Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.  Pour in a glass & serve.

Strawberry Orange

1 cup of parsley
1 orange (peeled)
½ cup of strawberries
Tiny piece of gingerroot 

Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.  Pour in a glass & serve.

Tropical Green

2 mangos
2 cups of spinach
1 banana
½ lime(peel okay if you’d like)
¼ cup of water 

Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.  Pour in a glass & serve.

Apple Pear & Pineapple

2 apples
1 pear
A few rings of pineapple
1 cup of spinach or lettuce
½ cup of water 

Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.  Pour in a glass & serve.

Minty Peach

1 peach
1 cup of romaine lettuce
5 mint leaves or 1 sprig
½ cup of water 

Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.  Pour in a glass & serve.

Green Watermelon 

2 cups of watermelon
3 leaves of romaine lettuce
½ lemon juice
1 banana 

Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.  Pour in a glass & serve.

Green Papaya

1 cup of spinach
1 papaya
1 banana
½ cup of water 

Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.  Pour in a glass & serve.

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