Greenstar Juicer Elite

The best of all the models is the Greenstar Juicer Elite

Green Star juice extractors have been around for quite a long time. As a matter of fact, the first-ever twin gear juicer was a Green Star. There are several fine Green Star juicers out right now, including the model 1000, 2000 and 3000, but the twin gear Green Star Juicer Elite is the best of the bunch. Here are some of its pros and cons:

On the Plus Side:

  • The Greenstar Juicer Elite uses a powerful but low speed, twin-gear impeller press system and a three-stage process to extract more juice from fruits and vegetables than is possible with many other juicers.
  • In addition to being quiet, the Green Star Elite’s low-rpm operation produces relatively little friction and heat, a characteristic that preserves the integrity and nutritional value of the fragile phytonutrients in fruits and vegetables. Juices extracted with a Green Star Elite juicer are more nutritional than the juices produced by many other juicers. They’re also more flavorful and delicious.
  • Bioceramic materials in the pressing rods of the Green Star Elite reduce oxidation, so the juice stays fresh and nutritious longer than the juice produced by many other juicers. If stored properly and refrigerated promptly, the juice will stay fresh, delicious and nutritious for as long as three days.
  • The Green Star Elite is powerful enough to handle almost any fruit or vegetable. This juicer will be up to it whether you’re juicing hard root vegetables such as ginger or carrots, tough leafy greens like wheat grass or kale, or fibrous stalks like celery or rhubarb. It can also be used to create nut butters, grind grains, prepare baby foods, and make delicious frozen fruit desserts like sorbets. In fact, the Elite can be used as a full-fledged food processor to make pastry crusts, vegetable and nut pâtés, various sauces and more.
  • It’s easy to clean and reassemble. In addition to permitting continuous juicing, the Elite’s automatic pulp ejection makes cleaning easier.
  • At 24 pounds, the Green Star Elite is more portable than many other high-quality juicers. A handle built into the top of the juicer makes it easy to move or carry.
  • The Elite comes with everything you’ll need to start making delicious, nutritious juices and clean up afterward.
  • The 12-year warranty is longer than that of almost all other juicers.
  • The contemporary design of the Green Star Elite juicer will fit into almost any kitchen’s décor.


  • The Green Star Juicer Elite can be a bit pricey for some people. However, several other juice extractors cost upwards of $1,500 to $2,000, and the Elite produces juice that’s unrivalled for the price.

The Bottom Line:

As you can see, the Greenstar juicer elite has a lot of advantages and only one real drawback (the price). This is a case where the pros clearly outweigh the cons. It’s a versatile machine that’s not only able to unlock the flavor and nutrition from your fresh produce, but create a wide array of foods from many types of ingredients.

This juicer will last you a lifetime! I have this juicer (surprise, surprise!!). When I do tests to compare juicers, juice juiced from this model always outlasts the others. It stays fresh much longer.

Don't hesitate to get this juicer, you will LOVE it!

Buy the awesome Greenstar Juicer Elite at Amazon.

The types of juicers

Single gear juicers
Centrifugal juicers
Twin gear juicers

Get juicing!

Weight loss juicing
Juicing for health conditions
Vegetable juice recipes

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