Juice Diet Concerns

(Anonymous )

Q: I am not the healthiest person; I am a smoker, I do not exercise regularly nor do I eat very healthy. I'm not worried about going hungry as I usually eat one meal a day anyway. What I am concerned about is that I have so many toxins built up over the years that when they are released I will get very sick.

I have been researching the juice diet and would like to begin with a 3 day; and then work into the weekend juice option as I feel this will give me the jumpstart I need to a healthier lifestyle. I need some advice on how to work myself up to this so that I can still be productive at work and home and not send my body into a toxic shock. Any advice would be appreciated (but no judging please).

A: Hi, Thanks for your question. Kudos to you for wanting to get healthier. This is a big change and you should be commended.

Your concerns are legit. I would be fearful of the same thing. If I were you, I would not do a juice fast diet until your body got accustomed to some good nutrition from the regular consumption of fresh juices.

I would slowly incorporate juices, fruit/vegetable smoothies and salads into your lifestyle. Try making simple changes, like cutting out soda or meat (if you consume these things).

It will probably be easier for you, your lifestyle and your body if you consume juice as an added nutritional beverage to start out. Getting healthier takes time and there's no reason to jump into something that might make you unhappy at first and possibly unlikely to stick to a healthier lifestyle.

That is what I would do, if it were me. If you really want to eventually do a juice diet, I would consume juice and healthier meals for quite a few weeks before starting one. You might also want to meet with a nutritionist or health care practitioner that can guide you through.

If you would like a good resource on cleansing juices, produce to use for cleansing and example plans on how to incorporate them into your diet, you might want to look at my detox juicing book.

Good luck to you and congrats on wanting to get healthier. I wish you the best!

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