A juice fast plan. How to juice fast for 1 to 3 days.

Use this guide for a quick body cleanse. Give your tortured organs and digestive track a rest and put it's energy towards cleaning out the toxins.

juice fast plan

But first... If you've never done this before, please follow this link to introduce you to how, why and things to expect during a liquid fast.

Upon Waking up

When you wake up, drink a room temperature glass of water with a squeeze of lemon. This is a great way to begin as it cleanses the intestines.

To stimulate your lymphatic system, body brushing followed by a hot shower, then a cool burst of water will help.


This is the time for the first drink of the day. Drink one glass (approx 8-16 fl oz) serving. If you feel thirsty in the morning, drink water, a water with a squeeze of lemon/lime, or herb tea. Fruit juices are best digested in the morning, so opt for a fruit-only combination.

After breakfast go for a brisk walk (preferably in a nature setting, beach, in a park). This will get all of your body systems moving, and will stimulate your body. It’s a great way to get exercise and some fresh air, too.

Mid Morning Snack Juice

Have another juice between meals.

Lunch Juice

Whenever your internal clock tells you it’s lunch, it’s time for your 2nd drink of the day. Drink another glass (8 - 16 fl oz) of your chosen recipe, diluted.

Again, if you feel thirsty in the afternoon, drink water, water with a squeeze of lemon/lime or herb teas. It’s also okay to consume more juice as a snack.

Dinner Juice

This is the time to consume your 3rd drink of the day! Try to choose a vegetable combination here, but any favorite will be fine. Drink another 8 - 16oz glass, and if you feel thirsty, have some water or herb tea before bed.

Dessert Juice

This is a great time for a fruit juice or a morning night cap of apple + celery (a great calming juice).

Before bed

A nice Epsom salt/essential oil bath followed by a glass of water with a squeeze of lemon is a great way to end your day. Take time to relax and let your body finish cleaning out.

After the fast

The next morning, start your day off with a light breakfast of a bowl of fruit, or an apple with almond butter. Do not have a heavy, grease filled meal or it might give you ill effects, as well as undo the good you’ve done from letting your digestive system rest the day before.

It’s also a good idea to have one meal (lunch or dinner) as a juice meal today to continue your body’s cleansing.


If you get very hungry and want to continue the fast but would really like some food, or even need to slow down the detoxifying effects, make a smoothie and include an avocado. Because avocado is heaver it will slow down the process and keep you fuller longer without interfering negatively with the cleansing process. Other options include sticks of celery, carrot or apple slices.

Want a longer fast?

If you want to fast for longer, (typically they last 1-3 days) just continue on this same regimen. As long as you are getting the juices in you, you are getting proper nutrition. If you are new to juicing and fasting, stick to the recipes on the juice fasting recipes page.

And don’t forget to refer back to the juice fasting page for info on specifics of how and why we fast.

Congratulations on your stamina and desire to give your body a much needed break. It is truly a great way to build health and energy.

Whether you cleanse for one day once a month, or once a year, know that it does a body good!!!

Need recipes to get you started?

Fasting recipes
Fruit recipes
Vegetable recipes

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For Health Conditions

How, why and what to expect during this cleanse

Best Juicing Machines

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