Juice Recipes for Kidneys/Lungs

by Anonymous

Q: What are good juices for the kidneys and lungs?

A: There are several fruits and vegetables that you can juice for healthy kidney and lung function!

First off, wheatgrass and lemon are good for both.

A glass of purified water and a fresh squeezed lemon is a great way to start the day.

For Kidneys:

1) Carrot, Apple & Parsley juice
2) Watermelon & Cabbage juice

For Lungs:

I have a few more suggestions in this category since I once had lung issues.

Juicing carrots, parsley, potatos, watercress, ginger & mustard greens are all good. The more you can get into a glass of juice the better.

Grapefruit and pineapple juice will provide antioxidants for the lungs.

Cranberry juice is also good...and mixing ginger and cinnamon in any of your juice concoctions will also be beneficial.

Ginger and mint tea will help reduce inflammation and open up the airways.

Hope these suggestions are a help to you!!

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Mint Tea with ginger, honey and lemon
by: Lisa

I could hardly move, because my lungs were congested, I drank a cup of hot fresh mint and ginger tea with honey and lemon. It had an immediate positive effect on my lungs. Amazing, Thank you!

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