Juicing and Eating for Weight Loss

by Nici Moody
(Napa, CA)

Q: Hi, I am new to juicing and started last week. Fruit juice in the morning and then green juices at lunch and dinner. I dropped 9 lbs in 6 days. I was beyond happy.....BUT, really feeling lathargic and spacey.

I am loving the results and want to know if I can juice in the am and at lunch then eat a clean (no processed foods, sugar etc...)light dinner and still lose a considerable amount of weight.

I would also kick up my workout with some cardio + walking. Thank you, Nici

A: Hi Nici! Super cool at your weight loss so far! Yes, absolutely, you can juice in the A.M. and then for lunch, and have a clean dinner. Many people like to do this.

If you want to lose the most, I'd stick to mostly raw fruits and vegetables (like salads, raw soups, etc). Eating a bowl of raw fruit is a great idea. You might even want to try a green smoothie.

It's possible you feel lethargic and spacey because your body is cleansing. These are some common detox side effects that just naturally happens when you do a juice fast or a modified juice fast. It usually disappates after 5 days but if it hasn't, you can either hang in there and it should stop, or just add some food to slow down the detoxing.

Good luck and congrats. You go girl!!

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