Juicing for Breakfast and Lunch

by Liz B.
(Kansas City, MO)

Q: What are the benefits if I juice my breakfast and juice for lunch then ate a sensible dinner? Is this defeating my juicing weight loss? I plan on exersising, too. What are your thoughts?

A: Hi Liz! A lot of people like to replace meals with juice for weight loss. If breakfast and lunch are your choices, go for it! Would it defeat your weight loss? I don't think so!

The benefits of replacing a meal are:

1) You get a lot of nutrition in a glass of juice vs. a typical dinner.

2)You take in a lot less calories from a glass of juice.

I think it's a great idea and have done it myself. The only advice I'd give you is that your dinner should be light and healthy. If you have fried food or heavy meats and cheeses, for example, your body will probably not like that and you won't feel well.

I'd eat something like salads, vegetable broth based soups, or raw food dishes.

When you are just having a juice for breakfast and lunch you are essentially fasting for half the day. Juice fasting puts your body immediately into "cleasing mode" and you might see some detox effects for the first few days.

Some people find replacing one meal is easier (breakfast, for example) then two meals. And some people find it all easier to just completely juice fast so they aren't tempted by eating at all. It's just up to you and your body. You might have to test out a few options.

Good luck to you, you can do it!!

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Dec 03, 2012
by: Cori

Hi, I generally feel like I can't really eat first thing in the morning, and always have to run out the door to work. That being said, I know how important a big healthy breakfast is. I've been mixing into a large water bottle the Naked Green Juice and half Orange Juice. Is this bad or good? It's a time saver and holds me over until lunch, but I don't want to do it if it's not recommended.

A: Hi Cori! Ah...well, depending on who you ask, this answer might differ. Juicing in the morning is awesome for breakfast. It helps clean your bowels and will not overload your system early in the day. Do I think your concoction is better then most normal breakfasts? Yes. Here's the issue with it, though. Any packaged juices that are not freshly squeezed are not as nutritious as freshly squeezed. And almost all of them, if not all of them, are pasteurized which kills important nutrients. I still think a lot of those juices are good options (especially in a pinch) but it's not the best option. The purpose of juicing is to feed nutrient and mineral dense fruit and vegetable juices into our bodies so it can use it to build health... It would be better if you could juice your own :)

Apr 18, 2012
by: Marion

Hi, I would like to know if it's ok for me to juice for breakfast and lunch, and then have maybe baked or grilled fish and a salad for dinner.


From Vanessa: Hi Marion, Yes, absolutely, people do this type of cleansing/diet regimen all the time where they juice and then eat. Some prefer to eat in the day, and some at night. It's up to you but it's a common thing to do!

Jan 23, 2012
3 day detox
by: Sue

I just started today,so far so good and i am enjoying it,i have weight to lose but doing it to be healthy and feel better also.

Sue :-)

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