Juicing for Diabetics

Juicing for diabetics may help regulate your pancreas and provide your body with a wide range of vitamins

Are you one of the millions of people who are forced to deal with diabetes and its potential long-term impact on your health? Diabetes is, unfortunately, becoming increasingly common. It’s a metabolic disease which is characterized by one of two situations: either the body produces insufficient insulin to properly metabolize and utilize glucose; or the body’s cells “ignore” the insulin the body does produce.

Diabetes complications can arise when glucose builds up in the blood instead of passing as it should into the body’s cells. A poor diet (such as eating too many refined foods) is often part of the cause of type 2 diabetes. Likewise, the right type of diet can play a crucial role in controlling this insidious condition.

Not that many diabetics realize how much juicing can help. Some experts believe juicing properly can help improve and sometimes even reverse several health conditions, including type 2 diabetes. It only makes sense, since good nutrition can in many cases prevent the onset of the disease in the first place.

Juicing for diabetics helps in several ways. Raw juices contain a variety of important nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, enzymes and antioxidants. Diabetics will be especially happy to learn that certain vegetables, including Brussels sprouts and beans, contain natural substances that mimic insulin’s properties. Other vegetables such as onions and cucumbers contain certain nutrients needed by the pancreas to synthesize insulin. Leafy greens like spinach, mustard greens and lettuce, along with celery, asparagus, olives, radishes, carrots, cabbage and broccoli, can also help diabetics by supporting pancreatic function. Juicing can unlock the valuable nutrients in these vegetables, and doing it regularly could help diabetics.

Juicing can also help diabetics in ways that don’t involve insulin production, regulation, or the body’s metabolism and utilization of glucose. For example, juicing wheatgrass, barley grass or kelp won’t specifically regulate a diabetic’s insulin or improve glucose metabolism, but it can help lower the blood pressure. High blood pressure is a fairly common complication of diabetes, and juicing provides a natural way to help bring it under control.

Drinking as little as two or three cups of fresh vegetable juice every day can help diabetics, as long as juicing is part of an overall diet that’s nutritious and healthy. Of course, the right types of produce must be juiced in order for a person with diabetes to see any benefits. For example, you may have noticed that we haven’t mentioned juicing any fruits as a way to improve diabetes.

As a general rule, juicing vegetables delivers many more health benefits than juicing fruits, and that’s especially true for a person dealing with diabetes. Juicing can be an effective nutritional therapy, but it must be done properly and with the right ingredients. Diabetics should avoid juicing too many fruits because they are unable to properly metabolize the high natural sugar content of fruit juices.

Luckily, there’s very little chance that a diabetic who sticks with vegetables for juicing will become bored with the flavor. Many different vegetable juices can have a positive effect on type 2 diabetes, and these juices each have a distinct color and flavor. Moreover, vegetable juices can easily be blended together to create something that’s both unique and delicious.

Juicing can help just about anyone’s nutritional status, but preparing fresh juices from the right veggies can have significant health benefits for diabetics.

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