Juicing for energy. Get rid of fatigue and juice your exhaustion away

Juicing for energy is one of the most popular reasons people juice. It provides your body with nutrition to boost brain and physical power.  When it has the vitamins it needs, you get energy!.

If you need a quick boost of energy, you'll generally want to juice greens and you might want to think about doing a juice cleanse or a juicing fast.  Replacing your morning coffee or tea with juice is a great way to get more energy and get off of your caffeine habit that might be making you more sluggish.

Any juicing program will help get you back on track if you're not feeling like you have enough steam to get through your day.  

juice recipes for energy

But first, if you are low on energy, consider these factors

  • If your body is really toxic, it will be sluggish. Consider a juice cleanse for your body.
  • How is your sleep? If you aren't getting enough sleep, then you need more z's for good energy. Valerian is the herb of choice for me if I have insomnia. I take it in a tincture or capsule form.
  • Do you exercise? Exercising does help get your cells moving and overall contributes to higher energy levels over time.
  • How is your diet? While juicing can help, a poor diet (for example, fast foods and processed foods) will totally make you sluggish.

I'm only mentioning these things because years ago I was having a hard time with energy. I could not wake up in the morning and I would rely on caffiene to get me through the day. Juicing did help, but until I addressed those other issues, my energy was down.  Astragulus and Ginseng (american or siberian) work so well for giving you an energy boost and assist adrenals. Add a few drops from a tincture to these juices and you'll be electric.

A few tips on juicing for energy

  • Greens always give energy
  • Parsley is my go-to add in for energy in ANY juice
  • Stick to more vegetable based juices when juicing for energy
  • Don’t forget the wheatgrass. Wheatgrass is a great energizer, so a shot of that alone will keep you going on raw natural energy for hours… Here’s more on everything you need to know about wheatgrass
  • You could use green juice powder if you are in a pinch and need energy, but fresh juice is always the best. 
  • Wean yourself off of coffee or tea by juicing one of these juices below.  Add them to your morning mug instead of coffee and voila! you might not need that caffeine after a few days.

Here are 5 of my favorite juice recipes for energy 

Energy juice #1: apple + carrot + parsley

This one, so good…works wonders.

2 apples, cored

4 carrots

1 handful of parsley

A stalk of broccoli (optional)

Core the apple and cut the top off of the carrots if necessary. Juice with the parsley, alternating the parsley so that you get the most out of it. Serve immediately.

Energy juice #2: kale + apple + orange

1 orange, peeled

2 apples, cored

2 stalks celery

1 handful of kale

Roll up the kale in a long cylinder so its easier to juice. Core the apples. Peel the orange. Juice everything together and serve.

Energy juice #3: lettuce + lemon + kale + carrot

7 carrots

small handful of lettuce

small handful of kale

1 lemon, peel optional

Peel the lemon, if you'd like. Juice the lettuce, carrots, kale and lemon together. Serve immediately.

Energy juice #4: celery + cucumber + lemon + parsley + ginger

2 stalks of celery, cut into 3 inch pieces 

1 cucumber, cut into pieces

a small handful of parsley (few sprigs) 

a small knob of ginger

1 lemon (peel ok)

Juice the cucumber, celery, parsley, lemon and ginger. Serve immediately

Energy juice #5: carrot + celery + wheatgrass

4 carrots

3 celery stalks

2 ounces of wheatgrass (or a large handful will do)

Juice the carrots celery and wheatgrass. Drink immediately.

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Hi Juice Lover!  I'm Vanessa, the Juicing Mixologist. I'll be guiding you to radical wellness and hotness you can chug. Learn more 


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