Master Cleanse Ingredients

Lemonade diet kits & books for a sucessful cleanse

The master cleanse ingredients in the lemonade diet kit are easy…for some. If you live in an area where you don’t have access to a store that offers real maple syrup or an herbal laxative tea, you might find it difficult. For some, let’s face it, it’s just easier to order a kit with all of the ingredients for the entire cleanse. So if you’d like to do that, I’ve included some top rated lemonade diet kits below. The Master Cleanse ingredients include:

  • Cayenne Pepper
  • Fresh Lemons
  • Grade B Maple Syrup
  • Fresh Spring or Filtered Water
  • Herbal Laxative Tea
  • Mint Tea
  • Pure Sea Salt

To get started you’ll need the lemonade recipe and instructions on how to do the master cleanse.

My favorite kit- The easiest way to get started with the master cleanse ingredients

This kit includes everything you need for a 10 day cleanse. These brands of tea, sea salt, cayenne pepper and sea salt are superior. Also, my favorite thing about this kit…a really fantastic book called “Lose Weight, Have More Energy & Be Happier in 10 Days” By Peter Glickman to help you get through the cleanse properly. It includes SO many candid questions and answers which I found helpful while going though the cleanse. It gave me peace of mind to do the cleanse correctly, and answered my questions when I was doubtful. The best part? This will arrive at your door ready to go…all you need is a bag of lemons and you’re all set. Totally stress free.

Master Cleanse 10-Day Organic Kit with Free MC book

Another good one…

This kit has all you need, plus extra maple syrup to get you through a longer cleanse. Instead of including Peter Glickman’s book, is has the original book that Stanley Burroughs wrote on the lemonade diet. It’s small, but chock full of info and you’ll be glad that you have it to read through.

The Ultimate Master Cleanse Kit

If you are in need of one of the ingredients

The Herbal Laxative By Traditional Medicinals

Traditional Blends Tea's-Smooth Move

The Cayenne Pepper From Simply Organic

Simply Organic Organic Cayenne Pepper

The Grade B Organic Maple Syrup

Coombs Family Farms 100% Pure Organic Maple Syrup Grade B, 32-Ounce Jug

The Celtic Pure Non-Ionized Sea Salt

Celtic Sea Salt - Fine Ground - 8 oz

If you just want some books on the master cleanse, here are my favorites.

The original book from Stanley Burroughs

The Master Cleanser

These two books work really well together, and are worth getting. One book is the original book on the Master Cleanser from Stanley Burroughs, and the other is a book from Peter Glickman that covers a wide variety of concerns and questions, most of it based from forums and other people who have done the master cleanse. It’s a good read if you are serious about doing this cleanse. To me, both of these books were sort of a “must have” since all the previous information I could find on it was choppy and inconsistent.

Master Cleanse Book Pack

Related pages

Master Cleanse Dangers- Is It Safe, Etc.
Master Cleanse FAQs
The Benefits Of The Master Cleanse Ingredients
Confused about the lemonade diet? Start here.

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