Pulp Ejection Juicer

by Linda

Q: What is a pulp ejection juicer? I hear this term used but I can't figure out what it is. Thanks!

A: Hi Linda! This can be confusing.

Here's what they are and how they produce delicious, refreshing juice from fruits, veggies and other foods.

Before I get into the details of pulp ejection juicers and how they work, let me first tell you that every juicer uses some type of pulp ejection system. Meaning every juicer, no matter its shape, form, size or brand, is actually a pulp ejection model. It wouldn’t be a true juicer if it didn’t – it would be a blender.

Now, if that’s all the information you need, feel free to stop here. But I’m betting that you’re like me and your curiosity runs deeper than that. If so, here’s some information about pulp ejection juicers and how they work.

Pulp ejection juicers come in all sizes, from compact personal versions designed to produce a cup of juice for immediate consumption, to larger models that are able to yield enough juice for a day or two (if stored and refrigerated properly). There are also different juicer types – centrifugal, masticating, single auger, and twin gear. They all feature a pulp ejection system that’s intended to allow continuous juicing and reduce or eliminate the potential for clogging.

In some ways you can think of the juice extraction and pulp ejection process used by a centrifugal juicer (for example) as being similar to a washing machine that’s running in its spin cycle. The rapidly spinning washer drum forces the excess water out of your now-clean clothes.

Likewise, after the juicer cuts, shreds or grinds your produce into tiny bits, it forces the juice that’s contained in the pulp through a strainer that’s spinning at an extremely high rate. The dry pulp is then ejected into its own container, separate from the juice.

Because the pulp is continuously being ejected from the main unit instead of being allowed to build up inside, you can juice continuously without worrying so much about the unit getting clogged. In other words, you don’t need to stop the juicing process and manually remove the pulp every so often. I think pulp ejection is a great feature, and it makes juicing easier, quicker and more convenient!

Hope that clears up any confusion and happy juicing!

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Apr 05, 2013
Just a bit more
by: Greg

Pulp ejection juicers usually juice more in a batch and cost more than a centrifugal juicer. The centrifuge type has to spin fast to throw the juice out. Better pulp ejection juicers do roughly 100 revolutions per minute and extract the juice from the pulp by squeezing and crushing it. The manufacturers say the pulp ejection type is continuous feed. The truth is any one of them I've ever used eventually will clog the screen with fiber.

My twin gear will usually clog at 1 to 2 quarts of output, depending on what I'm feeding it. But it doesn't do much fruit before backing up. It does it do a great job on leaves and firm produce. I think the juice from it tastes better than from my old Omega 8002. When my Green Star needs cleaning it takes me about 7 minutes.

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