Shopping for Juicing Recipes

by Ron

Q: I just found this site.. excellent and I bookmarked it. I got my juicer and some recipes. They aren't too hard, but when going to the store to buy these vegtables/fruits, how much and what do you buy?

I don't want to be running to the store everyday to pick up stuff. It seems to juice you have to have a lot of items in your fridge. I just dont know how to start and what quantities. You have celery, apples, beets, ginger tomatoes, lemons, limes, pear, spinach, broccoli, kale, carrots, lettuce or chard or kale, watercress, cilantro, collard greens, spinach, wow...

How much of each should I buy for a week? Would that fit in my fridge or would it keep? Thats the hard part so I'm looking for suggestions.

Thanks again... Great site.. This will help a lot.

A: Hi Ron! Well, funny you should ask this, I sometimes think the same thing. There are a lot of recipes that I like, and I'm not sure what I'll feel like eating during the week, so I'm not sure what to buy. But once I stop to think about it, a little simple planning helps a lot.

To answer your question simply, I can tell you what I do. I pick out recipes that I feel like making for the week. I also think about juices that I might want to make or look for what produce is on sale. Then, I make a list of fruits and vegetables that I'll need for the recipes.

I don't go overboard. When I was a new juicer, I would get so much produce and it did spoil after a week. Berries go bad in a matter of days. I just buy enough to use for about 3-4 days.

I always buy carrots, apples and celery because it's shelf life is so long. I can keep them for at least 2 weeks in my refridgerator. It's the greens, berries, and other fruit that you need to buy more frequently.

My advice would be to plan on buying them if you know you'll make them in juices for the next two days. Also, if I see my greens are starting to go bad, I will wash and freeze them to use in smoothies at a later date.

So make a recipe list, then a shopping list. And if you don't want to go frequently, get the produce that has a long shelf life.

Hope these tips help!

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Freezing greens
by: Cheryl

So do we wash them and then freeze? I made this mistake of buying a lot of what I saw in recipes and now, I have a fridge full or say a shelf full, of wilting greens:(

From Vanessa: Hey Cheryl, Yes, you wash and they freeze so they are ready to go for a smoothie! It would be too difficult to try to wash them after they are frozen.

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