The Taste of Vegetable Juice

by Anonymous

Q: I am very new to a matter of fact I am still waiting to receive my juicer from the mail.

I know this will be a crazy question but what does the juice taste like? I know that fruit juice will be ok but I am concerned about the veggie juice which is most necessary. I have tried the green Naked juice brand but did not really like it. What help can you give me?

A: Hi! Yay on your new juicer! Not a crazy question at all. Fresh vegetable juice is quite different then any store bought bottled juice. It tastes way better, in my opinion. Of course, you'll need a good recipe and have to play around with it to make it to your liking.

Yes, mostly all fruit juices are great! But the easiest way to make tasty vegetable juices is to make sure you include either apple juice, carrot juice or both apple and carrot at first. That's a great way to ease into veggie juice.

Here's a great beginner vegetable juice recipe to try:

  • 4 carrots, (carrots are extremely sweet and yummy)

  • 1 apple, cored

  • 1 leaf of kale

Here's one more:

  • 3 green apples

  • 3 leaves of kale

  • 1/2 lemon

  • 1/2-1 cucumber

  • 1 small knob of ginger

My best advice is to take a look at a lot of vegetable recipes. When one looks appealing to you, try it (just make half the recipe so you don't waste it in the event you don't like it).

You'll have to taste test a few until you know what you prefer.

There's a vegetable juice out there for everyone!

Good luck and happy juicing!

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