Too Much Pulp

(Anonymous )

Q: My juicer leaves a ton of pulp in my juice...Yuck...Is that normal or does my juicer just not work well?

A: Hi! Well, a good juicer does not leave pulp in the juice. A good juicer also does not discard pulp that is wet. Pulp should be fairly dry when it's ejected into the pulp basket.

My guess would be that your juicer does not work well. It could possibly be broken, missing a piece (some have a catch screen) or the juicer is not of good quality. Which juicer do you have?

If you don't like pulply juices, I'd suggest the Omega Vert Juicer, Green Star.

These all produce juicy-pulp free juice with dry pulp.

Hope that helps!

Comments for Too Much Pulp

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I drink the pulp
by: Clara

I have only just bought a Thermomix -WOW-have tried many juicing recipes --but cannot seem to find one for a tapioca dessert or pudding. I know they are very good for you! And after all, we have to get back to basics. In my juices I "drink" the pulp -it is soooo good for you -if it's too thick add a little more water.

by: Anonymous

Hi All! I've been juicing for 3 months now! Love it.......I juice with the NutriBullet- it extracts all the nutrients, turning all the ordinary food, veggies, fruits into super foods! I absolutely love it! I lost 15 pounds in three months, and it has helped my overall health as well.

I love the smoothies in the morning, (1 frozen banana, cup of strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, rasberries, and fill with coconut milk,) absolutely delicious, and if you want to get alkaline this is the way to do it! Then my carrot juice mid morning, then my green juices, then more carrot juice, and my raw vegan organic total life change. I am 62 years young!

I am in better health than I've ever been before. Whatever juicer you use, continue to do it. The juices go directly into your blood which makes it more vital for your health. My advice to you - if you're going to juice, please use all organic - you don't want to juice pesticides! Here's to your health! Crazy healthy Juice!!!! :-)

by: Tony Cukierski


I have also tried a couple different $100 juicers that were finicky and didn't work well in the long run. I just bought a $60 Hamilton Beach juicer because of it's high rating on It works great, easy to use, easy to clean, leaves the pulp dry, and barely any in the juice. I have only been using it for 2 weeks so far and I am very pleased.

A good trick is to put a grocery bag in the pulp catcher for easy cleanup and keeping the big pulp bin off the drying rack.

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