Udos Oil for Detox

by Laurie
(Temecula, Ca)

Q: Hi, I'm going to start the detox and cannot find udos oil, is there something I should substitute or can I just leave it out?


A: Hi Laurie, Are you refering to the plan in the detox book? You can just leave it out. The udos oil is a just a suggestion to help you cleanse your system, not necessarily meant for a juice fast. It's just a good supplement to know about and take!

Best of luck to you!

Here's a picture and link to Amazon. Most supermarkets have it too, and always in whole foods or natural food stores! It's in sold in the refridgerator section.

Udo's Choice Udo's Oil 3 6 9 Blend

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Jul 25, 2012
Where to get UDO's oil
by: Cheryl

Laurie, go to the Udo's website or Amazon they both sell it.

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