What Not to Juice?

by Gene Mehl
(Pittsburg, CA)

Hey All,
I am new to juicing and have seen a lot of great info as to the how, what and why to juice, but not to much on what NOT to juice! It would be great to know what Skins, Seeds, Rinds, Roots or Green Tops should not be used in juicing and why, (Toxic, Poison, Bitter, Extreme Sugar, etc.) Is there a compiled list of what not to juice and why?

Thanks Gene

A: Hey Gene, Super good question. There are SO many varieties of produce out there that it would be difficult to cover them all, espeically since we all live in different states, countries, etc. where we have various types of fruits and vegetables.

I can, however, list out some common ones in the USA that we all should be aware of.

    Citrus Rinds (Oranges, Grapefruits): Not the end of the world if you do, but citrus peels like oranges and grapefruits contain and indigesitble oil that's hard on our stomachs. Lemons and limes are excluded from this list as they are fine to juice whole.

    Carrot Greens: Carrot tops are not edible. They are toxic and should not be eaten or juiced.

    Papaya Peels: Besides for tearing up your juicer, these are not edible and cannot be juiced.

    Apple Seeds: While many people like the convenience of just throwing a whole apple into the juicer, I do not for this reason: The seeds contain a small amount of arsenic and really shouldn't be juiced. While the juicer usually removes them safely, I just think its better not to juice them (it's also easier on your juicer!).

    Wild Parsnips: Cultivated parsnips are fine, but wild ones are not as they contain several poisons.

A good rule of thumb in wondering if you can juice something or not is to ask yourself if it's edible. If it is, then most times you can juice it. If it isn't, then stay clear.

Some things that people don't realize you can juice are potatoes, melon rinds (watermelon is a good example, there are nutrients in the green and white), and grape stems. Many people also juice pineapple rinds, but I don't because they are so hard on your juicer.

If you know of some indigestible/unjuiceable fruits and veggies in your area that I missed out on please feel free to add to the list by commenting below :)

Comments for What Not to Juice?

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What not to Juice follow up
by: Kevin

I was just reading your post truly appreciate the question. I have been juicing on and off for six months now. I have a juice extractor and a Vitamix and enjoy the benefits of both juicing and blending equally. Just wanted to make a comment about something I experienced.

I started juicing a bunch and experimenting on my own after reading folks recipes. Everything I made was so tasty and if it wasn’t, lesson learned. For example, juiced garlic based upon a recipe, but add a second clove… Killed the drink but finished it…The after math was breathing, tasting and smelling garlic for a full day… Lesson learned.

Since I started juicing, the family gets organic fruits and veggies delivered by local farmers every other week. One week, we got beets. I ended up juicing the beet as well as the greens. Within 10 minutes I had the sweats and an upset stomach. Turns out, like the carrot greens, the greens on the beets can be toxic. I felt so sick for about 30 minutes and then it passed. Need items like this shared somewhere. I wish there was one concise list.



From Vanessa Hi Kevin! I wanted to comment on the beet greens being toxic. They actually aren't, if it makes you feel any better! The carrot tops are, though, so you are right there.

The beet greens are extremely nutritious and are powerful blood cleansers and detoxifiers.

Because of this, if your body isn't accustomed to it and you juice too much of it at once, then it can detox quickly in your body and cause discomfort like you mentioned. This goes for all of the strong cleansers and most of the greens. Greens are strong juices and should never be juiced alone.

The only thing I'm wondering is if there is a certain type or variety that you had that I'm unaware of (as I certainly don't claim to be a produce variety expert!). But the standard north American beets are wonderful for us.

Beet Question
by: Anonymous

Q: Do beets need to be cooked to juice or do I just juice them raw?

A: Hi!! No, beets shouldn't be cooked to juice. Just juice them raw. Actually, nothing should be cooked before juicing. The heat of cooking produce destroys nutrients and enzymes. You want to keep all that juicy goodness in your juice so leave them raw :)

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