Juicing for health conditions:  fruit & vegetable suggestions for ailments and common problems

Juicing for health ailments

Are you juicing for health conditions or ailments and looking for remedies? For centuries the practice of juicing has been used to aid in health problems.

Here are some of the fruits and vegetables used, based on historic uses by others.

You might want to consider juice fast using these vegetable and fruit suggestions in your recipes.

Use the fruit and vegetable suggestions to juice.

The herbal suggestions can be juiced as well. Using herbs in your juice recipes is easy. While fresh is best, they can be found in liquid or dried form to be used to make an herbal tea and then add it to your juice. There are also many other beneficial things you can add to your juice for good health.

Please note: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA or AMA. Any and all health programs should be done under the supervision of a health practitioner.

Pick a category below to learn more about juicing for that ailment.



Common Cold Constipation

Depression Diarrhea Diabetes

Eye Problems

Fatigue Fibromyalgia Flatulence


Headaches Heartburn Heart Problems Hypoglycemia

Indigestion Influenza Insomnia Irritable Bowel

Kidney Stones

Laryngitis Liver Problems

Menopause Migraine

Osteoporosis Overweight

Peptic Ulcers Pregnancy

Skin Conditions/Better Skin

Urinary Tract Infections

Varicose Veins and Hemorrhoids

Water Retention/Edema

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Juicing to heal UTI or kidney infection 
Q: Hi, I have been running a moderate fever for two days (~101.) My suspicion is I may have a UTI or kidney infection even though I don't have all the …

Recurrent Mouth Ulcers 
Q: My seventeen year old daughter is in so much pain. She has about 25 mouth ulcers currently and battles them all the time. She already takes Lysine …

Celery and Blood Pressure 
Q: Hi there! The last two months I have been juicing and eating raw. However, I recently had my blood pressure checked and it was really high for me. …

Psoriasis- New to juicing 
Q: First, thank you for your very informative website. I have psoriasis that gets pretty bad sometimes. I would like to try and treat it with juicing. …

Juice Recipes for Kidneys/Lungs 
Q: What are good juices for the kidneys and lungs? A: There are several fruits and vegetables that you can juice for healthy kidney and lung function! …

Diabetes and Vegetable Juicing Not rated yet
Q: I am looking for resources on Juicing and Diabetes. I understand that fruit juices will increase my BG; however, how will veggie juices impact my …

Best Juice for Someone with Skin Disorder Not rated yet
Q: I have had skin disorders since I was a kid. I basically have non-itchy white spots on several parts on my body. These spots have disappeared and …

Juicing for Nasal Congestion Not rated yet
Q: Hi, I was hoping to start juicing soon I've been suffering from chronic nasal congestion for 5 years and would like to know if I do buy a juicer …

IBS with Diarrhea Not rated yet
Q: I have read your page about IBS however I wanted to know how juicing affects diarrhea. I take tablets every day to stop me going and without it …

Juicing for water weight Not rated yet
Q: You say apples and celery get rid of water weight. I tried it yesterday and sure enough, that knocked off a large amount of water weight in one day. …

Ordering Tinctures Online Not rated yet
Q: Do you have a recommendation of a good website to order tinctures online? I'm having horrible menopause symptoms and don't want to take hormone …

Hypoglycemic juices Not rated yet
Q: I am looking for the best juice for hypoglycemic conditions? A: Any green based juices are always good with anyone with blood sugar problems. …

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