Detoxify your body by detox juicing & fasting

Why detox juicing? Feel better, look great, rid your body of toxins!

If we lived on an island with only pure water, no chemicals, clean air…well then maybe, just maybe, we wouldn’t have to think about detoxing. But that isn’t our reality.

detox juicing

Sadly, we live in a very polluted world, with polluted water, soil, food, and air. It gets into our bodies, and affects our health- in BIG ways.

We live on the opposite spectrum of how our creator meant us to live.

Our only solution is to try to live as pure as possible in our diet and lifestyle so that we are putting in the minimal amount of bad possible, in order for our bodies to function properly.

So since toxins in us are inevitable, detox juicing seems like a good idea, right?

The reasons people detox all stem from the same thing. We want to DE-TOXify our body of toxic matter.

These toxic substances in us might be causing a health condition, blocking our body from operating properly, or give us a terrible dis-ease someday.

Detoxing allows our body a chance to clean itself out to resume proper function from any toxic blockages.

How do you detoxify your body?

There are several ways to detox.

But rule #1 is: You must learn to live a pure and clean life in diet and lifestyle.

Always strive for less toxins, chemicals, and unpure substances. Become aware of what’s really around us, what we’re really ingesting, breathing, and seeing. It is the only way to live a healthy life.

The most common way to detox is through a juicing fast.Typically, most people who detox try to do so either every 6 months or every year for a fast of a few days.

Because the point of detoxing is to eliminate waste/toxins and to nourish your body at the same time, juicing is the perfect way to ensure both of these can happen.

Another common way to detox is to live on a raw foods diet for at least a week to two weeks.

This allows your body to get vital nutrients, and cleanse itself out in a similar way to juice fasting. Get some good books on the raw food lifestyle and make some of their recipes. You might even find you’ll incorporate them into your daily lifestyle.

While those ways to detox above encompass the whole body, many feel that it is more beneficial to detox organ or by body system

For example, you clean out your colon and bowel first, and then move your way up. You major channels of elimination are lungs, bowels, and skin, so if the bowels are clear, you can then move to the liver, kidneys, and so on. Doing this ensures a passageway to expel waste. If your body is not eliminating properly through its normal channels, effects like nauseous-ness and acne will develop as your body’s defense to push out the waste.

Some detox tips

  • Always choose organic produce when detoxing. You are trying to get the poisons out, so do not put any more back in.
  • The type of produce you juice is important, but will not make or break a detox. Try to juice a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, from the full color spectrum.
  • Drink lots of filtered water, herbal tea, and take a colonic or fiber if necessary.
  • Detox juicing involves your whole body: Mind, spirit, and soul. Take this time to relax, de-stress and reflect on the positives in life.
  • Whatever type of detox you do, make sure to incorporate fresh juice. It will aid the body in healing, cleansing and nourishing.
  • If you can, take a mini-vacation while detox juicing. It will give your body much needed rest and rejuvenation, allowing your body to cleanse internally with ease.
  • If you feel a little sick, do not be alarmed. This is a sign that your body is cleansing. Make sure that your bowels are functioning regularly, and if they are not, be sure to take fiber and use fresh juices to cleanse the bowels. Just take it easy, as it will pass. If your bowels are not open when doing a detox, your body will get clogged and you will have some negative side effects.
  • Take walks, do yoga or use a re-bounder to get your cells some oxygen!
  • Avoid fried foods and animal products, including dairy. A healthy balanced diet is achievable without these things, and the key to eating clean.

Total Body Detox Diet Plan

If you’re looking for an easy way to detox your system, this detox diet plan can be used for 3 to 7 days to detoxify and cleanse your entire body. It is a raw food and fresh juice diet plan that you can easily conduct yourself. It’s completely safe, and more effective and cheaper then buying a detox kit.

Detox Juicing Recipes

These detoxing recipes have been put together for cleansing. While safe and yum for everyday juicing, use these detox juice recipes to cleanse through a juice fast or a detox diet plan. You also can try to include a few in your daily juicing routine to keep your body’s elimination channels open.

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Udos Oil for Detox 
Q: Hi, I'm going to start the detox and cannot find udos oil, is there something I should substitute or can I just leave it out? Thanks! Laurie …

Detox Juicing With Vitamix 
Q: Can I blend the detox juicing recipes and use those as the cleanse or do I need to do the actual juicing step? I am getting a Vitamix and am interested …

Coffee and Juice Detoxes Not rated yet
Q: How do I start the detox program if I have a cup of coffee habit in the morning? A: Hi Lidia! It's not recommended to have caffeine if you …

System by System Juice Detox Not rated yet
Q: I am very new to juicing (I'm actually picking up my first juicer today)! I want to do a system by system cleanse that you mention under Juice Detox, …

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